Bits of Beauty surround us; in a baby's smile, a kindness shared or a starry night.

Humble or spectacular, Beauty is alive every moment.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

So Young

Our orthodontist's wife died suddenly last Sunday. She was 42 and still had children to raise. She wasn't a personal friend of mine, but after seeing her every 6 weeks or so for the past several years I can say I really liked her and I thought she was a very kind lady.
Her death has really been on my mind. More than anything I hurt for her husband and three children. The past two nights I have struggled to sleep as I think about the pain her family is experiencing right now. As a mother, I want to be there to raise my children and hopefully even hold my future grand babies. I know that death is a natural part of life. It happens all the time and will someday happen to each one of us.
I have prayed for this family to have all of the comfort a loving Heavenly Father can bestow. I have a firm belief that this life is not the end of our existence. I have felt a personal assurance that God is real. This life is a test, a place to learn and grow, and give our love to others. I believe families will be reunited after death. There is a scripture in the Bible that states that one day Jesus will wipe away every tear. What a great day that will be.

I have always felt that life is a journey- a journey to be enjoyed as much as possible. There are many things in life that I am in control of- most especially all of my own choices. These choices can result in happiness or sorrow. There are also many events in life that I will have no control over. Hard, painful, even unfair things do happen. As difficult as these are, they are part of the journey. From pain, we can gain experience, perspective, compassion, and understanding. I hope as the sorrows of life come my way, I will be able to accept them and live with faith instead of fear.

I need to hold my children more. I need to stop what I am doing and just listen to them. I want them to know without a doubt that I love them. I need to teach them what I know today so that if I am gone tomorrow, part of me will live on in them. I guess this is one reason I try to have a lot of fun right now-today. Because tomorrow isn't guaranteed. I'm not advocating going crazy and spending all of your money, but maybe we should play together more, and not put everything off until "someday". Make those memories now.

If you have a moment, please say a prayer for the Foster family.

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