Hi, I'm Erin. I was born and raised in Alaska- and now I am raising my own family here. I am married to an awesome guy. He is my best friend! We have four fun, energetic, and sometimes exasperating children. I started this blog as a way to document our family's daily experiences and adventures. I love photography and am in the process of expanding my knowledge about it by attending classes and getting out there with my camera.
Some stuff about me:
1. I am the youngest of four girls (never had brothers so boys were a mystery!)
2. I love great food, but I am basically a lazy cook. I go for yummy but EASY recipes.
3. My youngest is adopted from China. She is my baby and always will be.
4. I really hate mushrooms. And beets. They make me gag.
5. I am the daughter of an Alaskan fisherman.
6. Because of this I am a bit of a seafood snob. I only like fresh fish.
7. Ironically, I dislike all shellfish. You don't want to know my nickname for oysters and clams!
8. I cried when I became a mother. I was deliriously happy, but so terrified that I would do something wrong. I was positive that the nurses were going to realize I had no clue how to take care of a baby, and then they wouldn't let me take my son home. They shoved me out the door anyway!
9. Chocolate and I have a relationship. It is sacred.
10. Insects frighten me. I grew up in Alaska where they don't get the chance to get big.
11. A bear in my yard does not frighten me.
12. I really want to visit Ireland someday. My name, Erin Colleen, means "Irish Girl".
13. I only shave my legs for church on Sunday. And for vacation. Sorry Honey!
14. Growing up we always had cats. And they were named after Condiments.
15. Now I have two dogs. They have people names. One is big and friendly. One is small and evil.
16. My childrens' ages are 15,13,11, and 5. My dogs' ages are 7 and 9. Without recognizing the pattern, I unconsciously brought some form of a baby (furry or otherwise) into our house every two years for 10 years!
17. I dislike exercising, but I LOVE organizing.
More to come...