Bits of Beauty surround us; in a baby's smile, a kindness shared or a starry night.

Humble or spectacular, Beauty is alive every moment.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Inner Neat Nick

I am in the midst of a full on closet clean out at my house. I have completed my closet and the linen closet. I love to open the door and just gaze at theses closets and admire their tidiness. That probably sounds a bit weird to stare into a closet, but it gives me a moment of satisfaction and even joy to see a job well done!
Now I am working on the most daunting one: my craft closet. It's a scary task. My goal is to organize years of photos, baby books, scrap booking supplies, school artwork and all the stuff like glitter, glue, wrapping paper, and paint that I use for crafting. In the past I have done an okay job at corralling these, but THIS time my goal is total organizational domination (insert wicked cackle here).

I have learned that if I break down large projects and only spend an hour or so a day on them, I feel happier  and still have time to do other things. So I am giving myself extra time to accomplish this task.

I frequent a couple of FUN sites for those who aspire to be better organized:

SIMPLIFY 101 This site has loads of great tips and even online classes

PENELOPE LOVES LISTS I admit it. I am a "Penelope". If you love this site, chances are you are one too.

3 amazing observations:

Katie C. said...

That's diabolical! Enjoy!

mia said...

I fear my closets...they are like a giant vortex, things go in but it is hard to get them out ;)

Erin said...

Ha, ha- I know exactly what you mean, Mia ;)