Bits of Beauty surround us; in a baby's smile, a kindness shared or a starry night.

Humble or spectacular, Beauty is alive every moment.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's Beginning to Smell like Christmas

Food and baking are a big part of our holiday traditions. I am sure this is true for most families. We've been baking up our favorite treats.

The gingerbread house. We have to decorate one every year. If we don't, the kids will revolt!

Then there is BAKE DAY. This year we actually had two!

Ah, baking with children. An exercise in patience for me. I am the kind of cook that cleans as I go. That doesn't fly well with children. So I bite my tongue and tell myself that the memories matter more than the mess.

The next step is to share them with our friends!

3 amazing observations:

Katie C. said...

Looks like fun! Mmm... and those cookies look amazing! Russian tea cakes?

Bethany said...

I hear ya on the patience part. Thanks for the goodies and the visit. It was so good to see your family.

Troy said...

Wow, I miss you guys so much it hurts! I love you Family!

From Troy