Bits of Beauty surround us; in a baby's smile, a kindness shared or a starry night.

Humble or spectacular, Beauty is alive every moment.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Snow White Lives Here

It's true. A princess lives in my house.

OK, she was a princess for a couple of days. Snow White to be exact. I went to my little girl's preschool Halloween party on Friday. I wasn't sure what to expect. I have been to a few too many class parties where the kids were overly hyper. This class celebration turned out to be a breath of fresh air! Everyone was so calm. Well, Snow White looks a bit jazzed to see her Mom. I even received numerous hugs and a personal show-and-tell of all of her artwork. My little princess REALLY loves Halloween. She was positively giddy all day and even into the evening when we attended our church's trunk-or-treat.

Did your family have a fun holiday??

The scariest thing that I experienced this week-end was learning that huge banana spiders have been found ALIVE in boxes of bananas at grocery stores in Alaska! (Shudder) I also learned that some spiders can spit at you. I really didn't need more reasons to fear/hate spiders. But I have two new ones anyway.

1 amazing observations:

Erin said...

Ha,ha! I guess you and I will never work in a produce department then, Mia :)