I've been feeling grateful for so many things. God. Family. Friends. Freedom. Stretchy pants. Coconut ice cream. The Internet. Shoes. You know, the important things in life.
In that spirit, I am hosting a humble giveaway. I found a fun assortment of Fall items and I want to give them away. Well I wouldn't mind keeping them, but the idea of passing these along just sounds, well, fun!
Here it is:
So what are all of these things? I'll tell ya...
This is a yummy, citrus- smelling candle
This is one of my favorite treats. When I was 15 our family hosted a Swiss exchange student. Lucky for us her family sent chocolate on a regular basis. It was a sweet year. I've never recovered.
This is a scrumcious smelling hand lotion. Don't blame me if you try it and want to nibble your hand all day.
Fall is the time for soup! This one looks enticing.
Anyone noticing a pattern here? Everything so far either smells or tastes good. Well, now you know what to get me for Christmas (hint: anything that smells or tastes good). It's okay. You don't really have to get me a gift for Christmas. Unless you want to real bad.
These candles may or may not have a scent. I didn't check. I bought them purely on the basis of their looks. Superficial, I know. Wouldn't these look great all lit up on your table?
This kitchen towel doesn't have a smell. And I am pretty sure it wouldn't taste that amazing either. BUT, it is cute. I like owls.
To enter this "Grateful Giveaway", just answer the following question in the Comments section of this post:
What are you grateful for?
One entry per person, please. Winner will be randomly chosen.
Anyone who follows my blog (see follower sign up on the right side bar) gets 1 Extra entry!
No entries after 9:00 pm Alaska Time Saturday.
Winner will be announced Monday morning!
Good luck, my friends!
9 amazing observations:
Amen to the stretchy pants! This year I am particularly grateful for the warmer weather of Northern Cali!
I am muy grateful that I fly for free. It enables Ongo, the kiddos and I to stay close to all our family every where from New Zealand, Tonga, across the States and here in Alaska. We can go and see our friends whenever. Also it makes it so the sun and a beach are just a plane hop away. Family, friends, and sunshine...does it get better than that? :)
I am grateful for good friends whom I can rely on for fun and good memories, for friends that teach me through their example, and friends that help and comfort in times of need.
I get two since I follow your blog...hmmm, I am grateful for three little babies that keep me young (but sometimes wear me out).
I am grateful for toilet paper. Could you imagine life without this?? Without this wonderful product we would have rashy bottoms from using leaves/grass or worse yet have stinky hands...eeew. I am internally grateful to whomever came up with this invention. =D
Im grateful for my eyes.
I am also grateful for my family.
I am grateful for my sister's friend that has always posted more photos of my 2 nephews and niece than she does. Thanks Erin for letting my see my blondie blond nephews and niece.
I am grateful to be in the cool air of Colorado and close to family again.
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