Bits of Beauty surround us; in a baby's smile, a kindness shared or a starry night.

Humble or spectacular, Beauty is alive every moment.

Monday, November 15, 2010

{FREE} Holiday Planner

I am a firm defender of Thanksgiving. I love the holiday and don't start putting up Christmas decor until after it's over. There is no right or wrong to when you put up your decorations, but as for me and my house we wait until Turkey Day is over!

Though I haven't rolled out my Winter decor yet, I have found myself humming carols. I even started my Christmas shopping last week. And I am on top of plans for my holiday card. In fact, I wanted to share a few links that could help get you into the swing of the holiday season. 

I will be posting ideas I have found for great Christmas cards soon, but today I am passing along a fun organizational freebie!

The talented ladies at Eighteen25 have this FREE holiday planner download for anyone interested:

3 amazing observations:

mia said...

You are so good....I haven't even thought about Christmas shopping yet =)

Bethany said...

Ohhhh....I like.

alaskafam said...

I am downloading this. It appeals to that side of me that needs a notebook to organize itself.