Bits of Beauty surround us; in a baby's smile, a kindness shared or a starry night.

Humble or spectacular, Beauty is alive every moment.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Speedlight, White Balance and Crepes

Today I was experimenting with my Nikon SB-600 Speedlight. It is a camera mounted flash that you can use to bounce light off of the ceiling to light your subject, as opposed to a flash that shoots light directly at your subject (= unflattering). Directional light is more flattering.
Then I started messing around with the white balance. This creates varying temperatures of light.
Oh yeah, I also have a different, fixed focus portrait lens on my camera right now, so I was trying out different depths of field (what is and is not out of focus).
My family was making crepes this morning so it was the perfect opportunity to practice some new techniques.
(I know that these pictures vary in their color temperature. Keep in mind this was a practice shoot! And the last one of me was taken by dear Husband. The color was all wrong on this one because it was set on the incorrect white balance, so I just "antiqued" it in Iphoto.)

2 amazing observations:

Silver Strands said...

Excellent pictures Erin! And the food looks AMAZING.

Bethany said...

Yes! Excellent pictures! You look amazing in the last picture.
And Ruben looks like a nice chef to have around.