Bits of Beauty surround us; in a baby's smile, a kindness shared or a starry night.

Humble or spectacular, Beauty is alive every moment.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stuff About Me

Have you heard the saying, "It's not about you"? Well today that's true. It's about me- ha,ha!
Some stuff about me:
1. I am the youngest of four girls (never had brothers so boys were a mystery!)
2. I love great food, but I am basically a lazy cook. I go for yummy but EASY recipes.
3. My youngest is adopted from China. She is my baby and always will be. 
4. I really hate mushrooms. And beets. They make me gag.
5. I am the daughter of an Alaskan fisherman.
6. Because of this I am a bit of a seafood snob. I only like fresh fish.
7. Ironically, I dislike all shellfish. You don't want to know my nickname for oysters and clams!
8. I cried when I became a mother. I was deliriously happy, but so terrified that I would do something wrong. I was positive that the nurses were going to realize I had no clue how to take care of a baby, and then they wouldn't let me take my son home. They shoved me out the door anyway! Eventually I stopped crying. After about three months.
9.   Chocolate and I have a relationship. It is sacred. I nurture it often.
10. Insects frighten me. I grew up in Alaska where they don't get the chance to get big.
11. A bear in my yard does not frighten me.
12. I really want to visit Ireland someday. My name, Erin Colleen, means "Irish Girl".
13. I only shave my legs for church on Sunday. And for vacation. Sorry Honey!
14. Growing up we always had cats. And they were named after Condiments.
15. Now I have two dogs. They have people names. One is big and friendly. One is small and evil.
16. My childrens' ages are 15,13,11, and 5. My dogs' ages are 7 and 9. Without recognizing the pattern, I unconsciously brought some form of a baby (furry or otherwise) into our house every two years for 10 years!
17. I dislike exercising, but I LOVE organizing. Doesn't that count for something?
18. I like comments (and followers) on my blog. So get busy and tell me something :) 
Hello? Anybody out there?

3 amazing observations:

Bethany said...

That is actually pretty funny to read. They are all things I didn't know. I hate spiders

hello lovely said...

hello! i'm mackenzie's photographer friend (i did her engagement pictures) and she directed me to your blog to check out some of your photography. i love it! and i've enjoyed reading your posts! very neat list of things about you! :)

mia said...

I think you are wonderful. I love reading your blogs and I think you are an awesome photographer!