Bits of Beauty surround us; in a baby's smile, a kindness shared or a starry night.

Humble or spectacular, Beauty is alive every moment.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Autumn Decor- And A "Hair Raising" Surprise

I feel a bit sorry for my kids. I don't really get into Halloween decorations too much. Don't get me wrong, I love Halloween! Dressing up is a blast, getting candy is fun, and I am always ready for a good scare. But I fluctuate on decorations. Most (but not all) years I gravitate towards the Autumn Harvest theme more than the spooky stuff.

One reason is my home decor. It readily blends with Fall colors. 
I love this cream pumpkin!
My baby helped me fill this vase. She was all over the idea of sorting the different colors into piles. A four year old is great for this. 
I am drawn to lanterns. I would have them all over my house- inside and out- if it wouldn't look weird. Which it would.
I enjoy decorating with as many natural elements as possible. It is my way of bringing the outdoors into our home. I am going to ask my husband this week-end if he will cut some branches from the alder trees on our property. I have some ideas for branches.
I  bought this woven heart in 2009 while visiting Austria with my husband. We were on our way to Salzburg (the place where "The Sound of Music" was filmed) and stopped for lunch at a store/cafe. I saw this heart and decided I needed it. 
This gal (my daughter) is a regular fixture at my house, no matter what season it is or what decorations are up. She decided to do a little redecorating herself. ON HERSELF! While happily painting and cutting up papers, my baby gave herself a new haircut!
She was very happy with the result. I was less enthusiastic. We had a talk about who should and who should not cut our hair. Today we are headed to see Ronda to even out the rough edges.

Have a wonderful week-end!

2 amazing observations:

Katie C. said...

Oh! That face!! So darling. I think every child has to have that talk at some point, especially girls.

Bethany said...

I love the heart. And the lantern. You should just stop by and decorate my house. and shop for me. You just naturally know what looks good.
Happy Harvest.